전체 : 6시간 17분|강의당평균 : 29분0초
01 Chapter 1
책갈피 : [00:40] 문서 UTF-8로 저장/[00:43] meta 태그 정의/[00:45] HTML5 문서에서 실행/[01:13] 구문출력(링크,다운로드)/[01:45] div ng-app=""/[02:10] 변수/[03:05] ng-init/[03:12] value 값/[03:26] ng-bind/[05:12] 응용프로그램 초기화/[05:40] ng-model/[06:02] controller 함수/[07:08] input/[07:58] 변수정의/[08:07] angular.module/[08:30] controller/[10:43] ng-app/[11:19] ng-init/[11:27] initialize/[11:55] ng-model/[12:47] ng-init/[13:20] background-color/[15:35] 스타일시트 내용 추가/[16:13] input 추가/[17:32] 주석처리/[17:53] ng-app/[18:03] ng-init/[19:24] 변수값 정의,입력,연산/[20:51] 페이지 소스 보기/[21:22] ng-app/[21:37] class="ng-binding"/[22:19] ng-scope/[22:37] ng-binding/[23:35] ng-bind/[25:17] 문자열 구분/[26:08] class="ng-binding"
02 Chapter 2
책갈피 : [00:16] 변수, 값, Value값 생성/[00:48] 앱 띄우기/[00:54] 개별 변수(세미콜론)/[01:39] 변수정의 (alziob)/[01:48] 자식 변수(대괄호)/[02:18] 존속 변수(쉼표,)/[04:39] ng/[05:00] data-ng(HTML5)/[05:33] 이중괄호/[06:07] 배열/[07:12] 변수명(배열)/[09:22] HTML 문서에 적용/[10:17] input type/[10:29] ng-app, ng-init/[10:39] 변수정의/[11:17] data-ng-model/[12:01] list, mon 연산/[12:14] list * mon/[13:21] 반복적 내용/[13:38] 내장 변수/[13:47] menu명 리스트 생성/[14:18] li 태그/[14:48] 주석처리/[15:05] g in menu/[15:27] ng-repeat/[15:41] attribute/[16:01] 소스로 정의/[16:46] 중복 출력안함/[18:23] li 태그/[18:29] 변수명(배열)/[20:18] 변수명 정의/[20:38] 변수:value값/[21:48] ha in alzioabn/[23:21] directive/[23:35] body ng-app="applo"/[24:00] init, app, model/[24:27] 템플릿 출력 기능/[24:46] angular.module/[25:00] app2의 directive 정의/[25:21] return/[25:40] template/[26:05] alziodirective/[26:39] view 확장 태그/[27:10] b 태그/[27:52] 대문자 앞에 - 표시
03 Chapter 3
책갈피 : [00:12] div/[00:42] restrict : "C"/[01:05] class값을 b태그로 출력/[01:26] directive : alzio-Daa/[01:36] 주석처리/[01:54] restrict : "M"/[02:01] replace : true/[02:07] directive : → directive:/[03:05] restrict : "A"/[03:26] div 적용/[05:00] restrict : "EA"/[05:49] input 입력/[06:48] input ng-model/[06:55] binding-ng-model/[07:51] angular.module/[08:10] var apoo/[08:14] apoo.controller/[08:34] ace/[09:48] b태그로 정의/[11:23] ng-show/[12:02] ng-repeat/[13:28] Email-!!/[13:58] ng-hide (class 자동반영)/[14:33] display (none, imortant)/[15:25] alform.ADD/[17:40] ng-show/[18:11] ng-model/[19:02] atext/[20:02] alform.ADD.$valid/[21:43] touched/[22:22] 검사/[23:21] 스타일 시트/[23:34] ng-not-empty/[24:21] ng-bind/[25:29] script 구현/[26:06] scope/[27:00] 핵심 가치/[28:09] ng-bind/[29:30] input ng-model
04 Chapter 4
input ng-model, ng-click, changeName, uppercase, lowercase, orderBy, currency, Filter Array, 배열생성
책갈피 : [00:23] input ng-model/[00:30] 주석 처리/[02:03] ng-click/[02:14] changeName/[02:59] scope/[03:06] changeName 메소드 실행/[03:28] scope.변수 = 바꿀 내용/[04:40] ng-controller/[04:51] 결과표 보기/[06:01] scope.nameALL/[06:19] return/[06:56] nameALL/[07:44] ng-controller="ace"/[08:12] 변수범위/[08:42] uppercase/[09:08] lowercase/[09:36] 필터기능/[10:20] app ID(변수명) 정의/[10:48] orderBy/[11:14] country로 출력/[11:32] angular.module/[12:08] scope.alzioabn/[13:13] 화폐단위/[13:29] ng-controller/[14:11] 변수정의/[14:31] controller 정의/[14:47][15:09] currency/[16:36] ng-repeat/[16:56] ha in alzioabn/[17:17] 변수출력/[17:52] 필터입력/[18:44] Filter Array/[19:22] 필터기능/[19:59] 배열/[20:24] li 값/[22:08] controller 선언/[22:21] 테이블 정의/[22:54] 배열생성/[23:32] scope.baa = ha/[24:05] tr/[24:09] ng-repeat/[24:27] orderBy/[25:19] scope.lecd1/[27:19] orderBy/[27:33] $scope
05 Chapter 5
Upper, var. filter, length, toUpperCase(), toLowerCase(), innerHTML, $location, document.location.href, location.absUrl(), timeout, .run, interval, new Date(), toLocaleTimeString(), toUTCString(), $http.get, myError, statusText
책갈피 : [00:16] Upper 메소드/[00:38] ha in alzioabn/[00:53] 변수(ha) 출력/[01:20] 2003co/[02:14] var/[02:54] filter(biga)/[03:25] yi/[03:42] length/[04:05] er.toUpperCase()/[04:48] texx/[06:16] 문자열 값/[07:05] toUpperCase()/[07:11] toLowerCase()/[07:31] innerHTML/[08:00] link 출력/[08:59] $[09:36] $location/[09:43] document.location.href/[10:15] $location.absUrl()/[11:24] timeout/[11:44] var kop/[11:49] angular module 실행/[12:06] $timeout/[12:30] $[13:10] $timeout(function ()/[14:21] interval/[15:25] new Date()/[15:47] toLocaleTimeString()/[16:30] $interval(function ()/[18:12] toDateString()/[18:25] toTimeString()/[18:31] toLocaleDateString()/[18:45] toUTCString()/[19:52] 경로/[20:10] $http/[20:52] $http.get/[21:46] .then(function(response)/[22:37] $ =[23:22] 연동된 링크 페이지/[24:55] myError/[25:29] 해당 서버에 비동기 요청/[26:07] function myError(response)/[26:24] response.statusText
06 Chapter 6
http.get, response.status, status Text, status, data, $scope.good, x in good, option ng-repeat, x for x in good, colorlist, disabled, ng-hide, ng-mousemove, count, $scope.lo, ng-click, $scope.ole
책갈피 : [00:08] 변수 정의/[01:24] data/[02:02] http.get/[03:11] response.status/[04:21] 크롬-네트워크(F11)/[05:10] Status Code/[06:38] status Text, status, data/[08:05] 배열/[08:07] $scope.good/[08:56] option/[09:14] x in good/[09:42] Select/[09:48] option ng-repeat/[10:13] ng-option/[10:20] x for x in good/[10:29] selectedName/[11:06] Developer Tools/[12:04] 배열 만들기/[13:03] ng-model="selectedName"/[13:19] value 값 정의(x.list)/[15:00] x.list/[15:22] ng-model/[15:57] colorlist/[16:37] 주석 처리/[17:04] ng-options/[18:14] alll/[18:22] alll.list/[18:35] $scope.good/[19:01] 스타일시트/[19:05] background color/[19:31] $scope.good/[19:34] list, colorlist/[21:10] button 생성/[21:21] disabled/[22:01] ng-init="on"/[23:05] checkbox 생성/[24:09] on=true/[25:06] ng-hide/[27:22] ng-mousemove/[27:47] $scope= 0/[28:36] count/[29:08] count + 5/[29:38] $scope.lo/[30:08] 주석처리/[30:13] ng-click/[30:37] count + 1/[32:00] $scope.count = 0/[32:52] ng-click="ole()"/[33:12] $scope.ole=function()/[33:47] $scope.count++;
07 Chapter 7
ng-click, ng-show, $scope.viwee, mousemove, $scope.drags, function(dragseve), function(ew), drags($event), input type="checkbox", ng-hide, ng-switch, div, angular.copy, ng-model="anew", $scope.set(), $valid, required
책갈피 : [00:08] 숨김 효과/[00:28] 리스트 출력/[00:41] ng-click="ok()"/[00:48] ng-show="viwee"/[01:17] aook.controller/[01:22] $scope.viwee = false/[02:22] display: none/[02:48] ng-show/[03:14] $scope.ok=function()/[03:21] $scope.viwee = false/[03:51] mousemove/[05:02] $scope.drags/[05:09] function(dragseve)/[05:47] function(ew)/[06:03] $scope.x = ew.clientX;/[06:35] $scope.y = ew.clientY;/[07:36] drags($event)/[09:22] input type="checkbox"/[10:39] ng-hide/[11:05] input type="radio"/[12:28] ng-switch/[14:23] div/[15:16] angular.copy/[16:44] ng-click="set()"/[17:07] ng-model="anew"/[19:47] anew.alz / anew.alzi/[20:29] $scope.anew/[20:49] angular.copy/[21:19] $scope.set()/[22:49] angular.copy/[22:54] anew(변수)/[24:00] form name="sdfsdf"/[25:03] input name="ppp"/[25:05] $valid/[25:12] required/[25:58] input type="email"
08 Chapter 8
$touched, $invalid, $scope.carn, placeholder="yyyy-MM-dd", carn.val, min, max, $scope.ex1, ng-pattern="ex1.al2", $error.pattern, $scope.url, ng-model="url.linn", ng-class, body ng-app=""
책갈피 : [00:02] 입력 필드/[00:35] form name="formin"/[00:45] required/[01:01] input name="min"/[01:33] $touched/[01:46] $invalid/[02:48] api 기능/[03:13] $scope.al1 = "ALZIO"/[04:43] angular.lowercase/[04:49] angular.uppercase/[05:35] angular.isString/[06:12] angular.isNumber/[07:21] $scope.carn/[07:34] input type="date"/[07:37] ng-model/[07:45] placeholder="yyyy-MM-dd"/[09:04] carn.val/[11:43] required/[12:12] ng-model="carn.val"/[13:11] range/[13:19] level/[13:25] min, max/[15:36] angular.module/[16:24] $scope.ex1/[17:48] ng-pattern="ex1.al2"/[17:59] ng-model="ex1.al1"/[18:19] class="error"/[18:24] ng-show/[18:29] pattern/[19:06] form name="forag"/[19:15] $error.pattern/[21:02] url 메소드/[21:11] $scope.url/[21:27] input type="url"/[21:41] ng-model="url.linn"/[23:08] input type="checkbox"/[23:29] 변경되는 대상/[23:36] decorationlinethrough/[23:55] fontweightbold/[23:57] backgroundcolorred/[25:47] 스타일 시트 정의/[27:04] ng-repeat="name in alzioa"/[27:30] ng-class/[28:07] ng-class-odd/[28:14] ng-class-even/[29:14] body ng-app=""
09 Chapter 9
책갈피 : [00:06] 자바스크립트 세팅
방법/[01:07] 배열값/[01:16] select type/[02:07] alcon/[02:10] ace/[02:14] prototype.greet/[03:01] alnam/[03:36] ace as alsett/[03:45] input type/[05:41] alnam/[06:46] alert(팝업)/[07:29] ace.prototype.addContact/[09:09] push/[09:40] value값/[10:10] addContact/[10:47] alsett/[12:02] alcon/[12:35] button ng-click/[14:08] removeContact/[14:22] function(contactToRemove)/[14:50] var main/[15:31] indexOf/[15:46] contactToRemove/[16:24] splice/[16:39] (main, 15)/[18:41] removeContact(alcont)/[19:47] ng-repeat/[21:22] alcont/[22:04] alcont.type = 'mail'/[22:24] alcont.value = '지워짐'/[23:31] clearContact(alcont)/[24:34] option값/[25:20] input type/[26:14] ng-copy/[28:15] ng-cut/[28:18] Ctrl + C / Ctrl + X/[29:10] ng-dblclick/[29:35] input ng-model="call"/[29:48] href ng-click/[30:37] ng-keydown/[31:13] ng-keypress/[32:30] ng-keyup
10 Chapter 10
책갈피 : [00:17] controller,
ng-model=max/[01:45] input
scroll/[06:30] body
분산처리/[08:55] 스타일시트
padding-top/[09:23] margin:
0/[10:21] top/[10:47] 메뉴,본문 분산/[10:57] display: inline-block/[11:45] $anchorScroll/[13:01] Offset/[13:35] controller/[13:44] $location/[14:47] hash()/[15:47] mma/[15:55] anchor/[16:12] var alks/[17:37] cacheFactory/[17:48] ng-controller=controllida/[18:07] key1, key2/[18:34] ng-model/[18:51] button/[19:04] put(key1,key2)/[19:20] ng-repeat/[19:32][20:16] ininp in wor/[20:47] ng-app=appida/[21:38] $cacheFactory/[22:08] function(ininp, value)/[22:30] isUndefined/[23:15] $scope.cache.get(ininp)/[23:26] $scope.wor.push(ininp)/[24:15] $scope.put/[24:30] null : value/[26:20] 필터 기능/[26:42] $scope.numal/[27:59] limitTo.nunl/[30:39] $scope.al3
Angular.js 2
11 Chapter 1
npm cache clean/npm update npm -g/cd
angular2project/package.json/my-app/Connected to
책갈피 : [00:35] Shift + 마우스
우측/[00:39] 명령창
열기/[00:56] npm 버전
확인/[01:20] npm cache
clean/[01:27] npm update npm
-g/[01:49] mkdir
angular2project/[02:28] cd
package.json/[04:09] 해당 패키지
설치/[05:39] app 폴더
생성/[06:23] 응용프로그램
my-app/[07:37] cmd
실행/[08:52] npm
localhost:3000/[10:14] Connected to
styles.css/[12:47] module
/[13:27] UTF-8/[15:03] my-app/[16:53] openab/[17:39] call 출력/[17:50] call: ''/[19:00] npm start/[19:07] Error/[19:31] npm-debug.log/[21:04] openab.ade/[22:33] app.component.ts
12 Chapter 2
13 Chapter 3
샘플확인 : 알지오 검색후 -> 강의검색란 -> Angular.js
※ 다음 강의는 순차적으로 업데이트 진행중입니다.
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