라이노 주얼리 [실무]
전체 : 3시간 27분|회차당평균 : 23분0초
01 signet ring 제작
signet ring을 제작해봅니다.
책갈피 : [00:00] signet ring 설명/[00:20] Circle-center, radius/[01:07] Line-from midpoint/[01:29] shift키 이용 선 그리기/[02:04] Osnap-Quad/[02:16] Line 그리기/[02:41] shift키 이용 선 그리기/[02:53] Trim/[03:22] Circle-center, radius/[03:45] Osnap-End/[04:25] Osnap-Near/[04:31] Rectangle-center, corner/[05:19] Ellipse-diameter/[06:21] Control point curve/[06:33] Osnap-Mid/[07:15] Points on/[07:34] Move-Mirror/[08:07] Control point curve/[08:35] Match curve/[09:05] Move-Mirror/[09:44] Surface from network of curves/[10:39] Extrude closed planar curve/[11:30] Trim/[12:36] 원기둥 지우기/[13:31] Duplicate edge/[14:37] Adjust closed surface seam/[15:17] Join/[15:37] Sweep 1 rail/[16:43] Join/[17:01] Polyline/[17:24] Duplicate edge/[17:53] 선 Join/[18:09] Sweep 2 rail/[19:01] 면 Join/[19:33] Cap planar holes
02 꼬임반지 모델링
꼬임반지를 제작하는 실습을 진행합니다.
책갈피 : [00:04] 꼬임반지 설명/[00:24] Circle - center, radius/[01:02] Line - from midpoint/[01:24] shift 키/[01:37] Split/[01:59] Lock objects/[02:25] PolyLine/[02:46] Rotate/[03:23] Split/[03:41] Rebuild curve/[04:03] Points on/[04:17] shift 키 - 복수 포인트 선택/[04:55] Points off/[05:53] 치수 재기/[06:06] PolyLine/[06:31] Planar/[07:08] Arc blend/[08:17] 프론트 뷰 활성화/[08:36] Rotate/[09:17] Trim/[09:43] Rebuild curve/[10:35] Arc blend/[11:33] Rectangle - Corner to corner/[12:02] Arc - start, end, point on arc/[12:22] Osnap - Mid/[12:40] Explode/[12:51] Join/[13:15] Fillet curves/[13:53] Lock objects/[14:14] Join/[14:26] Move/[15:04] Sweep 1 rail/[15:53] Ctrl + Z/[16:33] Explode/[17:26] Planar 켜기/[18:18] Insert a control point/[19:23] Match curve/[19:51] Join/[20:09] Rotate/[20:36] Orient perpendicular to curve/[23:13] Sweep 1 rail/[24:18] Sweep 1 rail 옵션/[24:39] Rotate/[25:13] shift 키/[25:38] Select curves/[25:53] Boolean union
03 UV를 이용한 반지 모델링
UV를 이용한 반지를 제작하는 실습을 진행합니다.
책갈피 : [00:00] UV를 이용한 반지 만들기/[00:16] Circle : center, radius/[00:39] Line : from midpoint/[01:09] shift 키/[01:18] Arc : start, end, direction at start/[01:54] Join/[01:57] Sweep 1 rail/[02:23] Project curves - Create UV curves/[02:56] Explode/[03:08] Divide curve by number of segments/[03:49] PolyLine/[04:46] Select points/[04:56] Apply UV curves/[05:33] 커브 삭제/[05:48] Split/[06:17] 면 삭제/[06:25] Knot object snap/[06:33] Control point curve/[07:23] Split/[08:13] Curve : interpolate points/[08:52] Points on/[09:29] Move/[10:28] Points off/[10:41] Surface from network of curves/[11:58] Fillet Surface/[13:03] Pipe : Flat caps/[13:35] Extend surface/[14:04] Explode/[14:12] 양쪽 캡 삭제/[15:03] Split/[15:27] 파이프 삭제/[15:41] Wireframe → Shaded/[16:22] Show edges/[17:12] Merge edge/[18:13] Blend Surface/[19:30] Extend surface/[20:28] Extrude straight/[21:45] 커브 삭제/[22:04] Show edges/[22:25] Variable radius fillet/[23:05] Rendered
04 Loft 명령를 응용한 반지와 기하학적 패턴을 새긴 반지 모델링
Loft 명령를 응용한 반지와 기하학적 패턴을 새긴 반지를 제작하는 실습을 진행합니다.
책갈피 : [00:00] Loft 명령 이용하여 반지 만들기/[00:13] 링 만들기/[00:32] Offset curve/[01:00] Extrude straight/[01:20] Wireframe → Shaded/[01:32] Show edges/[02:03] Split edge/[02:44] Loft/[03:21] Mirror/[03:51] Arc : start, end, direction at start/[04:30] Split/[05:27] Loft/[05:48] Loft 옵션/[06:25] Select surfaces/[06:36] Join/[06:59] PolyLine/[07:23] Sweep 2 rail/[08:06] PolyLine/[08:36] Show edges/[08:48] Split edge/[09:16] Sweep 1 rail/[09:51] Extrude straight/[10:28] Duplicate edge/[10:50] Project to CPlane/[11:12] Extrude straight/[11:33] Split/[11:51] surface 삭제/[12:03] Sweep 2 rail/[12:42] Select curves/[12:55] Render/[13:22] Match surface/[14:02] Render/[15:01] Sweep 2 rail/[15:14] Render/[15:55] Join/[16:06] Rotate/[16:44] Join/[16:51] 기하학적 패턴을 새긴 반지 만들기/[17:22] Circle : center, radius/[17:43] PolyLine/[18:17] Right 뷰 크게 보기/[19:41] Join/[19:48] Mirror/[20:12] Revolve/[21:03] Select curves/[21:16] Create UV curves/[21:47] Hide objects/[21:55] 패턴 그리기/[22:07] 사각형 그리기/[22:34] PolyLine/[22:55] Join/[23:07] Rotate/[24:15] Group/[24:52] Copy/[25:15] Group/[25:25] Copy/[26:39] Trim/[27:02] Ungroup/[27:27] PolyLine/[28:26] Group/[28:43] Surface from planar curves/[29:04] Extrude straight/[29:54] Select curves/[30:13] Flow along surface/[31:07] Variable radius fillet/[31:43] Rendered
05 Heart pendent 모델링 1
Heart pendent를 제작하는 실습을 진행합니다.
책갈피 : [00:00] Heart Pendant 만들기/[00:41] 파일 Open/[00:50] Polar array/[01:34] Circle : center, radius/[02:00] Move/[02:20] Extrude straight/[02:49] Rectangle : Corner to corner/[03:04] Trim/[04:03] Split/[04:58] Offset Surface/[05:46] Offset curve/[06:39] Edit layers/[07:53] Extract surface/[08:24] Project curves/[08:55] Hide objects/[09:14] Split/[09:41] Offset Surface/[10:20] Extract surface/[10:49] Show objects/[11:06] Project curves/[11:44] File - Import/[11:59] Explode/[12:18] Join/[12:41] mesh/[13:10] Group/[13:25] Copy/[14:11] Move/[15:15] Scale 1-D/[16:08] Wireframe/[18:02] Shaded/[18:24] Extract surface/[18:48] Extract isocurve/[19:30] Extract surface/[19:48] Extract isocurve/[20:11] Line : from midpoint/[20:31] Trim/[20:58] Single point/[21:48] Duplicate edge/[22:22] Join/[22:58] Move/[23:26] Polyline/[23:46] Sweep 2 rail/[24:14] Add Slash/[25:34] Split/[28:38] 라인 삭제/[28:52] Explode/[29:22] Join/[29:42] Extract isocurve/[30:55] Loft/[31:38] Show objects/[32:09] Ungroup/[32:28] Group/[33:17] Hide objects/[33:32] Extract isocurve/[34:08] Show objects/[34:16] Array along curve on surface/[35:30] Scale 3-D/[36:16] Array along curve on surface/[37:20] Mirror/[37:59] Ungroup/[38:09] Select points/[38:20] Join/[38:43] Group/[39:13] Polar array/[39:51] Arc : start, end, point on arc/[40:02] Wireframe/[40:23] Planar/[40:59] Pipe : Round caps/[41:24] Move/[41:54] Group/[42:01] Rotate/[43:13] Rendered
06 Heart pendent 모델링 2
Heart pendent를 제작하는 실습을 진행합니다.
07 그리드 구조 귀걸이 모델링
그리드 구조 귀걸이를 제작하는 실습을 진행합니다.
08 꼬임팔찌 모델링
꼬임 팔찌를 제작하는 실습을 진행합니다.
09 꼬임 귀걸이
꼬임 귀걸이를 제작하는 실습을 진행합니다.
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